The New Chinese Markets

China: which assets & tools for French SME 

50 years France China Partnership

On June 13, in La Rochelle (France), Dr. Jean-Claude Muller, will be part of the meeting, dedicated to the role small and medium companies could have on the development of China. He will specifically talk on “The New Chinese Markets: A huge opportunity for French small companies”. The verbatim will be available in early July.

Conference name: China: which Assets & tools for French SME 

Place : Maison de la Charente-Maritime 85 boulevard de la République 17000 La Rochelle 

Starting at :8 :30

Download the program & invite

Link to Forum SME France-China, October 24-25, 2014, Chengdu, China 


Author : Jean-Claude MULLER, Special Advisor,Innovation & International Relationship (I&IR)



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