BIO International Convention 2013

BIO International Convention 2013, The global event for Biotechnologies

April 22 -25, 2013, Chicago, US

Bio international convention


  • 130 000 One-to-one meeting
  • 1722 Exhibitors
  • 60 Countries















This BIO international convention celebrated its 20 years of existence in bringing innovation, new opportunities and growth to the Biopharmaceutical industry. More than ever, the event has attracted participants from all over the world, with an increasing number of new actors from the BRICS and other emerging countries who are showing a growing interest in the biotechnology sector. Five years after the outbreak of the financial crisis it is more and more evident that the entire biopharmaceutical world is still in a major turmoil and facing a series of challenges which nevertheless constitute new opportunities.

Several keynotes speakers, including the Ernst and Young “Beyond Borders report 2013” forum and the 3burille State-of-the-Industry” report, have stressed that this industry has to think differently and evolve:
        – from the current drug and product provider to delivering clinical and health outcomes,
        – from sales and profit generation to value creation.

In a nutshell, a new world where efficiency will be replaced by evidence. To become successful in these matters the Biopharmaceutical industry has to construct a novel innovation ecosystem. The current model driven by the science emerging from academia, where products are developed by biotech or large companies and registered by regulatory bodies, is notoriously insufficient. There is now a strong need to gain more patient engagement in activating their voice through advocacy groups in order to challenge the approaches and offers and thus gather their input and contribution to progress. Regulators will find it much easier to decide on whether to approve drugs or medical devices when the value for patients is clear. The industry has also to provide better answers to increasing demands from health authorities and payers to demonstrate the value of new products and as such contribute to overall cost containment.

This novel paradigm was well embraced in the Special Alzheimer disease sessions held on Thursday April 24th. This disease, which will affect 50 million people by 2050 and will cost more than one trillion dollars by then, needs a concerted worldwide effort where all above mentioned stakeholders will have to contribute. To achieve this goal, the current input of the Biopharmaceutical sector will not be sufficient and new actors and new comers from other innovative sectors will have to dedicate appropriate efforts and resources. The challenges and the expectations are high and they will most probably be tackled by the younger generation. The April 23 rd Keynote Forbes “30 under 30” has given the opportunity to four rising stars to express themselves about how to transform science into new valuable healthcare solutions.

Next event : June 23-26, 2014, San Diego, CA, US

Author : Jean-Claude MULLER, Special Advisor,Innovation & International Relationship (I&IR)


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