2 new services to help the Marketing Manager & the Business Developer


BtoBioInnovation proposes 2 new provisions of services to increase your on-line visibility:

Evaluate Marketing Events & business development in a new country


I- Google analytics offer:

– Monitor the impact of Marketing events or prospection in a new country with the number of new visitors and their interest for your website.

Evaluate the architecture of your website: which pages develop the traffic on your website ? What is the commitment of your visitors ?

To know more 


Outsource E-mailing Campaign


II- E-mailing campaign offer:

From A to Z : content & target strategy, e-mailing ready to be send, sending, report & remarks

– to stay in the mind of your prospects and customers

– to support the business development in the fields

– to update regularly your CRM data base 

To know more


Author : Nathalie Accornero, Ao Marketing Life Sciences


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